random in Random place

Share your creations!

Stolen with 🌸minimal style🌸

Here is what I drew on Friday. Forgot to post it yesterday. Also, I’ve been playing Rimworld for 7 hours, and now my head hurts a little.

Disbelief - interstellar Retribution *cover*


I have an idea... a BIG idea. I've tagged everyone whom I want to ask below...

Should I make a Rimworld save with pawn [character] versions of you/your characters? Anyone can join, not just the people I've tagged. [More info on game below]

Show me what u have

Og by @Exeltiorr

I am soooo good at flirting 😎😂

(this is a joke)

I just read the overview for the new Rimworld DLC + update 1.5! They added a lot of new things into the base game, and Anomaly sounds absolutely amazing! [and terrifying]

I'ma watch Sam's new series on it tomorrow morning :)

Good night everyone!


This is actually the COOLEST THING EVER

踊 Hylics2
・1の姿に変わるとき顔に文字被っとる!って思っただろ1F被せてない所あるから止めてみな 右下にwell doneの文字が見えたら成功  正直クソむずい・曲踊https://youtu.be/YnSW8ian29w

I would've worked on Chapter 1, but I was busy playing the Miitopia demo instead!

I added myself, Basroto, my IRL friend Alyx, and Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins.

This is going to be fun.